Sunday, September 30, 2007

Blake's Coming Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They took him off his Os Thursday but they had to put him back on because he started to desat. So they tried again a few more times that evening and early Friday but he started to desat again. He lasts about 3 to 4 hours than just sorta starts dropping around 70. He'll look fine content and everything, but his sat just won't stay up there with out a little help. So they got him on wall Os and I get to take him home hopefully Monday, but it might be Tuesday if they can't get his take home oxygen and heart monitor ready. My insurance was picky about which company they could go through. Well actually my insurance doesn't cover home oxygen for babies just adults! They just had to negotiate the cost. My advocate didn't seem upset that he would need it. I guess she just has to call everyone that provides home oxygen and find the cheapest rate. I'm not sure if they got everything faxed in time. Considering my nurse found a fax # by Blake's bed while I was there it was around 7pm Friday. She asked the other nurse what it was. She told her it was the fax # for Proxair(home oxygen) and that they needed some info faxed over for Blake's oxygen. I was just so happy with both the nurses at that moment really! So they told me today not to get my hopes up for Monday. Knowing Kosair Hospital it will probably be Tuesday. I'm so excited and nervous and just everything! I've cleaned the house like a mad woman a couple times and then I decided to paint the kitchen and living room. I guess I'm like in this nesting stage preparing for Blake. I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I am! Well besides being a big ball of nerves every other minute, I'm good :)


Noel said...

I am so happy for your! There was a lot of nesting involved when Abi came home from the hospital too. I hope that you get to go home on Mon but Tues is not so bad! Don't be too nervous. It is really hard not to be but they wouldn't let you go home if they didn't think you all were ready for it!
( by the're not mushy at all, you are very sweet! I hope that I can meet you someday soon. We go to Louisville every year to see Dr. Mervis so I will have to set up a time to meet you too!!)

Nancy said...

Congratulations on your upcoming homecoming! Enjoy nesting!

Heather said...

YESSSS!!! That is awesome Whitney! I'm so excited for you! Heather

camille said...

Wow, that's really exciting. I'm sure it'll be so nice to be out of the hospital setting and in your comfy home :) I hope the transition goes smoothly. Thinking of you!!

Laura said...

That's wonderful news!!!

Amy said...

Such great news. Excited for you all. Take care!!

Tara said...

YYYEEEEAAAAHHHHH!!! So glad you are finally able to take your baby home!!!!

Katie said...

Thats FANTASTIC news!!!
Enjoy preparing your nest :)

Whitney said...

Thanks everyone, I'm so glad to have Blake home!

Lisa said...

That is great I am so happy for you I hope things are going well....It is going ot be so nice to go to sleep with him in your house